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Don't panic! We are not about to subject you to compulsory auditions! Audition is a computer program designed to test your musical ear and to help you improve your ability to pick out notes from a chord and to sing in tune. After a brief introduction you are asked to complete a number of short tests such as counting the number of notes in a chord. The program gives you immediate feedback about your progress and a helpful summary of your score at the end of each test. Each test takes about 15 minutes to complete. The program should run on any modern PC running Windows. It is guaranteed free of viruses (but your anti-virus program may object to it initially). Click on the button below to go to Oliver's website from which you can download the program.


(Please note that as this program is not commercially verified, some anti-virus software may caution you against downloading and extracting it. Please do not worry about this. I can guarantee that the software is virus-free and that it will not harm your computer in any way.)

Helpful sites

The following sites may help you to learn your part.

To receive a 10% discount on purchases from Choraline, quote Eversley

If you can download a MIDI file of the work which you wish to practice (or if you have been sent a link to such a file) then the following website will allow you to play the file, emphasising whichever part you want. It is incredibly easy to use. just click on the following link:


If you have an IPad and iPhone you might like to check out the following apps: 'Learn my Part' and 'Sonja music app' or the ABRSM 'Aural Trainer' which develops general musicianship skills.


For Android phones and tablets try 'Practice Player Live Midi'


Many books which can help you to learn to read music and sing at sight including "Sing at Sight". William Appleby and "Sightsinging: the complete method for singers". Mike Campbell


Other on-line resources include the following:


Other relevant sites

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